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- 普兰德
- 美国Beckman Coulter公司
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- Allegra 64R高速冷冻台式离心机
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- Allegra 25R台式高速冷冻离心机
- Microfuge12/12R台式离心机
- Microfuge 20/20R
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- Avanti J-30I高效离心机
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- 新一代Avanti JXN-30智能型高效离心机
- Avanti J-26XP系列高效离心机
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- Optima™ XE超速离心机
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- Techfors Cell大型生物反应器
- Techfors-S Cell中试原位灭菌生物反应器
- Multifors Cell平行生物反应器
- Labfors Lux Cell光照发酵罐
- Minifors Cell细胞发酵罐
- Minifors Bacteria实验台式发酵罐
- Labfors 5 Bacteria 实验发酵罐
- Labfors Lux光照发酵罐
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- Techfors-S Bacteria中试型发酵罐
- Terrafors Bacteria固态样品发酵罐
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- 地 址:深圳市南山区西丽街道九祥岭工业区
- 电 话:13006636686,13751058447,0755-33160345
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- 邮 箱:3344179313@qq.com
SsoAdvanced™ universal SYBR® Green supermix is a high-performance real-time PCR supermix based on Bio-Rad's patented* Sso7d fusion protein technology. This supermix is formulated for a wide range of real-time PCR applications and for use with all ROX dependent or independent real-time PCR systems. The dsDNA binding protein, Sso7d, stabilizes the polymerase-template complex, providing superior inhibitor tolerance, increased processivity, specificity, and greater speed without affecting PCR sensitivity, efficiency, or reproducibility.
SsoAdvanced™ universal SYBR® Green supermix lets you:
- Use any real-time PCR system — the universal reference dye in this supermix enables ROX normalization of qPCR data regardless of the ROX level requirements of the qPCR system
- Achieve superior real-time PCR results under various conditions — our robust formulation delivers consistent performance in fast cycling across a broad range of reaction conditions, primer concentrations, and temperature ranges
- Increase your qPCR sensitivity and efficiency of detection from compromised samples — the Sso7d fusion polymerase has increased resistance to a wide variety of PCR inhibitors, which helps provide better sensitivity and overall performance
- Decrease time to results without compromising qPCR data quality — the Sso7d fusion polymerase and optimized buffer together provide rapid polymerization kinetics and instant polymerase activation
- Obtain better results with Bio-Rad's PrimePCR™ assays — real-time PCR assays are expertly designed and wet-lab validated to ensure optimal assay performance
Applications and Uses of SsoAdvanced™ Universal SYBR® Green Supermix
- qPCR/real-time PCR
- Gene expression analysis
- Pathway analysis
- Absolute quantification
- Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) qPCR
- Mutation detection
- Pathogen detection
- Viral detection (load)
- Characterization of genetically modified organisms (GMO)
- Genetic profiling
Packaging Options
Number of 20 μl Reactions | Total Volume | Number of Vials | Catalog # |
200 | 2 ml | 2 x 1 ml | #172-5270 |
500 | 5 ml | 5 x 1 ml | #172-5271 |
1,000 | 10 ml | 10 x 1 ml | #172-5272 |
2,500 | 25 ml | 5 x 5 ml | #172-5274 |
5,000 | 50 ml | 10 x 5 ml | #172-5275 |
Instrument Compatibility
The SsoAdvanced™ universal SYBR® Green supermix is compatible with all commercially available and allBio-Rad real-time qPCR systems.
Related Products
We have developed SsoAdvanced universal probes supermix, which is available in several formats (200–5,000 reactions).
Bio-Rad offers a complete workflow solution for real-time PCR, including:
More Information
To ensure that your qPCR reactions are reproducible and reliable, follow our step-by-step design and optimization protocols. We also provide insights into analysis of qPCR data and troubleshooting reactions.
* U.S. patents 6,627,424; 7,541,170; and 7,560,260.