- brand
- 普兰德
- 美国Beckman Coulter公司
- Allegra X-15R台式冷冻离心机
- Allegra 64R高速冷冻台式离心机
- Allegra X-30/30R台式高速离心机
- Allegra 25R台式高速冷冻离心机
- Microfuge12/12R台式离心机
- Microfuge 20/20R
- Microfuge 16高速台式离心机
- Avanti J-E多用途高效离心机
- Avanti J-30I高效离心机
- Avanti J-HC大容量离心机
- 新一代Avanti JXN-26智能型高效离心机
- 新一代Avanti JXN-30智能型高效离心机
- Avanti J-26XP系列高效离心机
- J6-MI大容量冷冻离心机
- Optima™XPN超速离心机
- Optima™ XE超速离心机
- Optima MAX-TL台式超速离心机
- Optima™ MAX-XP超速离心机
- Vi-CELL XR细胞存活率分析仪
- Qiyunbio
- 北京百泰克
- 德国Miccra 公司
- 德国Memmert公司
- 海乐枫公司纯水与超纯水系统
- 唯地感受态细胞
- 测序服务
- 杭州米欧仪器
- 美国BD公司流式细胞仪
- 美国Zealway公司高温高压灭菌锅
- 弗德
- 英国Ruskinn公司厌氧、微需氧工作站
- Bio-Rad伯乐
- Genstar 产品
- Union 永联
- 新加坡ESCO公司生物安全柜、CO2培养箱
- 实验仪器
- 实验耗材
- 瑞士Infors公司
- Celltron磁力驱动
- Thermotron振荡培养箱
- Minitron-Bacteria振荡培养箱
- Multitron-Bacteria恒温振荡培养箱
- Minitron Cell振荡培养箱
- Multitron Cell全功能细胞培养箱
- RC落地摇床
- Multitherm摇床
- Multitron Standard系列摇床
- Ecotron摇床
- Orbitron 摇床
- Labfors 5 Cell细胞生物反应器
- Techfors Cell大型生物反应器
- Techfors-S Cell中试原位灭菌生物反应器
- Multifors Cell平行生物反应器
- Labfors Lux Cell光照发酵罐
- Minifors Cell细胞发酵罐
- Minifors Bacteria实验台式发酵罐
- Labfors 5 Bacteria 实验发酵罐
- Labfors Lux光照发酵罐
- Multifors Bacteria 平行发酵罐
- Techfors-S Bacteria中试型发酵罐
- Terrafors Bacteria固态样品发酵罐
- Techfors大型发酵系统
- X-Controlle发酵体系控制系统
- CELLine膜培养瓶
- 实验技术服务
- 武汉优尔生 cloud-clone ELISA kit
- Omega
- Abcam
- 常用试剂
- Abmart 抗体
- 阿拉丁
- Fermentas
- Invitrogen
- 地 址:深圳市南山区西丽街道九祥岭工业区
- 电 话:13006636686,13751058447,0755-33160345
- 传 真:0755-33160345
- 邮 箱:3344179313@qq.com
Use 10x Tris/Glycine Buffer as a transfer buffer for western blots or as a running buffer for native protein gel electrophoresis.
- For tank or semi-dry blotting for SDS PAGE gels, usually with the addition of 20% methanol
- For tank blotting of native gels, without methanol
- As a running buffer for native gels
Precast gels that can be used for native electrophoresis
Precast Gel Type | Size | Gel Chemistry |
Mini-PROTEAN® TGX™ | Mini | Laemmli-like, long shelf life, fast separation with high resolution |
Criterion™ TGX™ | Midi | |
Mini-PROTEAN® TGX Stain-Free™ | Mini | Laemmli-like, long shelf life, fast separation with high resolution, unique trihalo compounds for rapid fluorescent protein detection |
Criterion™ TGX Stain-Free™ | Midi | |
Criterion™ Tris-HCl | Midi | Standard Laemmli |
Criterion Stain Free™ Tris-HCl | Midi | Standard Laemmli, unique trihalo compounds for rapid fluorescent protein detection |
Criterion XT Tris-Acetate | Midi | Discontinuous buffer ion fronts form moving boundaries to stack, and then separate proteins |
Note: Most proteins have an acidic or slightly basic pI (~3–8) and are run with the power supply connected to the electrophoresis chamber as for SDS-PAGE. If more basic proteins (pl >8.5) of interest are being separated, change the polarity of the electrodes, since they have a net positive charge.
Packaging Options
10x Buffer Volume | Catalog Number |
1 L | 1610734 |
5 L cube | 1610771 |
Related Products
- PrecisionAb™ Validated Western Blotting Antibodies
- Native Sample Buffer (1610738)
- Criterion Staining/Blotting Trays with lids (3459921)
- 10x Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) (1610780)
- 10x Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) (1706435)
- 1x Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) with 1% Casein (1610783)
- 1x Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) with 1% Casein (1610782)
- Blotting-Grade Blocker, nonfat dry milk (1706404)
Related Categories
- Protein Gels
- Western Blotting Membranes and Filter Paper
- Semi-Dry and Rapid Blotting Systems
- Wet/Tank Blotting Systems
- Power Supplies
- Transfer Buffers
- Immunodetection Reagents and Kits
- Gel and Western Imaging Systems
Supporting Documents
- Mini-PROTEAN Precast Gels Instruction Manual and Application Guide
- Criterion Gel Application Guide Instruction Manual
- Mini Trans-Blot® Cell Instruction Manual
- Trans-Blot SD Cell Quick Reference Guide
- Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Transfer Cell Instruction Manual
Online Applications
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