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BL21(AI) Chemically Competent Cell 产品说明书
BL21(AI): 10×100μl
pUC19(control vector):10pg/μl 10μl
F- ompT hsdSB(rB-mB-) gal dcm araB::T7RNAP-tetA
BL21(AI)是大肠杆菌B/r型菌株(E.coli B/r)。BL21(AI) 来源于BL21菌株,为Lon蛋白酶和膜外蛋白酶OMPT的缺陷型菌株,这两种酶的缺失有效防止异源蛋白在大肠杆菌体内的降解。在培养基中添加L-阿拉伯糖可诱导araBAD启动子下游T7RNA聚合酶的表达进而促进目的蛋白的表达。在培养基中添加葡萄糖可抑制araBAD启动子下游T7RNA聚合酶的表达进而抑制目的蛋白的表达。BL21(AI) 感受态细胞适用于任何以T7启动子为基础的表达载体,能够进行高水平的重组蛋白表达。因为菌株能够对体内的T7 RNA聚合酶水平进行高效调节,BL21(AI) 感受态细胞能够表达对其他BL21细胞有毒性或抑制生长的蛋白。普通重组蛋白在BL21(AI) 菌株中获得产量和其他BL21菌株产量相当;对大部分毒性蛋白,在BL21(AI) 菌株中获得的产量高于BL21(DE3)pLysS菌株或BL21(DE3)菌株。BL21(AI) 感受态细胞由特殊工艺制作,pUC19质粒检测转化效率高达108cfu/μg DNA。
1. BL21(AI)感受态细胞从-80℃拿出,迅速插入冰中,5分钟后待菌块融化,加入目的DNA(质粒或连接产物)并用手拨打EP管底轻轻混匀(避免用枪吸打),冰中静置25分钟。
2. 42℃水浴热激45秒,迅速放回冰上并静置2分钟,晃动会降低转化效率。
3. 向离心管中加入700μl不含抗生素的无菌培养基(2YT或LB),混匀后37℃,200rpm复苏60分钟。
4. 5000rpm离心一分钟收菌,留取100μl左右上清轻轻吹打重悬菌块并涂布到含抗生素的2YT 或LB培养基上。
5. 将平板倒置放于37℃培养箱过夜培养。
1. Brian Caliendo (Voigt 实验室)报道过pCP20质粒比较难于转化到这个感受态细胞中,而pCP20转化到其他菌株中都很正常,但是菌体原因未知。
2. 不加葡萄糖,BL21(AI) 细胞的araBAD启动子下游的本底蛋白表达水平仍然很低,加入葡萄糖后能够进一步的降低本底蛋白的表达水平。
Sample Induction Protocol (for reference only)
1. Pick 3-4 transformants for overnight culture in 5 mL LB medium containing antibiotic to select for your expression plasmid. Grow overnight at 37°C with shaking until the OD600 reaches 0.6-1.0.
2.Use the overnight cultures to inoculate fresh LB medium containing antibiotic to an OD600 of 0.05-0.1 (~1:20 dilution of the overnight culture). This dilution allows the cells to quickly return to logarithmic growth and reach the appropriate cell density. Use a volume appropriate for taking time points, if desired.
3.Use the remainder of each overnight culture to create glycerol stocks. Once you have identified the clone that best expresses your protein, you can use the glycerol stock to perform additional expression experiments.
4.Grow the cultures until they reach mid-log phase (OD600 ~0.4; 2 to 3 hours).
5.Induce the cultures (see below), and culture for an additional 2-3 hours. You may also take time points to analyze for optimal expression of your protein.
For T7 expression vector containing the lacI gene (e.g. Invitrogen’s pET vectors), induce by adding L-arabinose to a final concentration of 0.2% AND IPTG to a final concentration of 1 mM.
For T7 expression vector with no lacI gene (e.g. Invitrogen’s pCR®T7 vectors), induce by adding L-arabinose to a final concentration of 0.2%. Culture for an additional 2-3 hours.
6.Place the culture on ice for 10 minutes. Harvest cells by centrifugation at 5,000×g for 10 minutes at 4℃.
7. Remove the supernatant and store the cell pellet at -20℃ (storage at lower temperatures is also acceptable). IPTG
Prepare a 1 M solution of IPTG (Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside / thiogalactopyranoside) by dissolving 2.38 g of IPTG in dd water and adjust the final volume to 10 ml. Filter sterilize before use.
1. 感受态细胞最好在冰中缓慢融化,插入冰中8分钟内加入目标DNA,不可在冰中放置时间过长,长时间存放会降低转化效率。
2. 混入质粒时应轻柔操作。
3. 转化高浓度的质粒可相应减少最终用于涂板的菌量。
4. 诱导时,IPTG浓度可选(0.1-2mM均可)。
5. 为获得需要量的蛋白,最佳诱导时间,温度,IPTG浓度需实验者优化。
1. 使用T7启动子载体(高拷贝或者低拷贝都可以)进行蛋白表达。
2. 使用其他BL21菌株进行蛋白表达时,观察到明显的细菌生长的抑制作用。
3. 表达一个已知的毒性蛋白。